With years of international experience, exceptional taste and a passion for fashion,
Stefania Savluc is offering you quality and affordable services in the following two areas:

Visual Merchandising / Retail Branding

For Fashion & Apparel Boutiques

From the window through to the floor; Beat the competition by building a unique brand and image.

Personal Image Consulting

For Individuals & Organizations

Learn how to revolutionize your image; Rebuild your sense of self-worth and rejuvenate your life.

I think fashion should make people happy and should emphases their qualities, help them to shine, accentuate their assets and hide their flaws. I believe in harmony and equilibrium and the fact that aesthetics and beauty is not dependent on time, trends, gender or age.

All people have both inner and outer beauty.
What is important is to know how to expose this beauty.

  • How we dress, speak, behave, eat, walk or talk on an ordinary day or at a special occasion and finally how we see the world, are all important for how we are seen by the rest of the world and will define their behavior in relation to us. This is our brand and we are judged by it. Be it an individual or an organization. And here I can help. I can make you shine.
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